Thursday, January 11, 2018

Taking to the Streets

During the holidays I have been looking through the amazing photographs in Brandon Stanton's "Humans of New York". Like Brandon, I was fascinated by the people I saw when I was living in New York City. I too snapped many a photo, and turned a few of these into simple oil paintings.

Now, living in Sydney, I would like to create my own collection of what it means to be Human in Sydney. Quite a different place to New York City, but still with many faces, feelings and experiences. I would like to begin to capture these, and to share these with the world.

A photographer at heart, yet incredibly introverted, this will also be a journey outside of my comfort zone, to begin to speak to those around me, and hopefully capture more than just a photograph.

My journey today began in Wendy's Secret Garden (Milsons Point), just a short walk from the northern side of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Luna Park. While strolling through the lush garden, with its winding paths and surprising treasures, I came upon these two enjoying a bread roll and jar of Nutella. The moment spoke to me of friendship, and the joy of finding a special secret place to enjoy an indulgence.

Caught up in the hustle and bustle of Luna Park I then found these two, looking at their reflections in the crazy mirrors. I loved that they dressed so cool, yet were not too cool for a bit of fun.

Heading back to the train, I spotted a hair dressing salon with fantastic views of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Inside a mother was getting her hair done, while her toddler sat wearing a fairy dress beside her.

Back in the city, on George Street, I spotted this guy taking a break and loved the sight of his socks and the unusual place he chose to sit.

Finally, in Redfern, I captured this photograph of Roger, who has been repairing shoes for 52 years. "Cheapest in Sydney," he boasts. And I collect my favourite red heels which have been repaired for only $10.

Not bad for my first day of photographs. Apologies to all photographed for my nervous beginnings!

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